Category Archives: xenapp

Underutilized Features of XenApp Platinum

Anyone who has worked with or around Citrix licensing knows that there is an incredible amount of value that can be obtained by either upgrading or purchasing XenApp Platinum Edition licenses.  But most people who go the route of Platinum licenses aren’t utilizing all of the features.

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Installing Lotus Notes on Citrix Presentation Server

Here are some helpful guides on how to install my ‘favorite’ mail client, IBM Lotus Notes on Citrix Presentation Server.  There are very few differences between the installation methods for Lotus Notes versions 6 through 8, but just for completeness I have included links to all of them.  The official Citrix article is quite good and includes screen shots of not only the Lotus Notes installation but also the publishing of Lotus Notes. Continue reading

Change the STA UID a Cloned Server

If you have several servers that have been cloned or imaged they will likely have identical STA UID‘s.  Because they are all the same you will only be able to add one of the servers to the Citrix Secure Gateway STA listing.  To correct this problem and gain the ability to add all cloned servers to the STA listing follow these steps:

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